rental costs
season / description | start | end | cost per day | cost per week | min. rental |
high season | 01.07 | 31.08 | 240.00 € | 1,680.00 € | 7 days |
mid season I | 01.05 | 30.06 | 160.00 € | 1,120.00 € | 7 days |
mid season II | 01.09 | 31.10 | 160.00 € | 1,120.00 € | 7 days |
low season | 01.11 | 30.04 | 110.00 € | 770.00 € | 7 days |
easter | 13.04 | 27.04 | 160.00 € | 1,120.00 € | 7 days |
christmas | 19.12 | 09.01 | 160.00 € | 1,120.00 € | 7 days |
deposit | 0.00 € |
internet cost / week | 0.00 € |
Note on electricity costs: On your arrival and departure day, we will read the electricity meter together with you. The electricity used until your departure is to be paid in cash at 0.39 euros per kW on the day of departure or will be offset against the deposit paid. If you use electricity sparingly or reasonably, you can reckon with approx. 150 kw per week.
Fincas und Ferienhäuser in Andalusien (Spanien)
Seeweg 52
61328 Dietzenbach
Tel. Deutschland: 0034/951 242 101
Fincas und Ferienhäuser in Andalusien (Spanien)
Seeweg 52
61328 Dietzenbach
Tel. Deutschland: 0034/951 242 101
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Views: 190785 Visits: 134870 Letzte Buchung am: 03.09.2024 |